Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spring has finally sprung... I think!

Look... Flowers blooming... In my front yard!!!

This is my favorite flower bed filled with tulips, a few hosta and who knows what else. Seriously, I do not know what other flowers/plants are in there as they were planted by the previous owner...

But, I don't really even need to know what they are... I know that they are very pretty and every spring they make me smile. The small tree in the middle will have pretty white flowers on it soon and the whole area just looks so colorful and alive. After the winter we have had, this is such a welcome sight to see.

Last weekend, we relocated rock that was in the front of the house to the backyard "island", creating a rock garden of sorts... Nothing grows there except weeds and hopefully the rock will prevent them...

(See that bench... I got that on Freecycle last year. It was in pretty good shape... good bones so to speak! We gave it new life by painting the wrought iron black and the bench red. I have a birdhouse in the "rock island" and a few bird feeders next to it on the grass... I really should take a picture of that, huh?)

And, in honor of Spring... and eventually summer... I purchased some new plates and serving pieces to use and enjoy while eating outside on the deck...

They definitely say Summer and have that outdoor look and feel I wanted....

"Summertime and the living is easy"

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