Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It's snowing again...

Isn't it pretty?! I took this picture from my garage about an hour ago... We are expecting upwards of 12 INCHES of snow tonight, overnight and into tomorrow morning...some local reports are even predicting 16+ inches, possibly 20 INCHES of snow by the time this storm moves out of here. My husband and I just shoveled about an inch or so from the driveway and walkway/front steps... why, I don't know... There will be so much more to shovel tomorrow... Why, why why didn't we buy that snowblower!! I hope by next winter we will have a snowblower... and, of course, once we do buy it... it won't snow and we'll never use it and we'll wonder why we ever bought it in the first place!!

Oh, and this snow is basically right on the heels of our came-from-out-of-no-where-5 inches-of-snow that fell on Sunday night...

I love snow... but I'm just so tired of shoveling!!!! The local weathermen have said that so far this winter season, we have had over 42 inches of snow fall... not all at once, of course. That's 42 inches of snow, so far, that I've shoveled... (I think I'm going to stay in bed until Spring!)

I'll post some more snow pictures (and snow total updates) tomorrow...

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