Saturday, January 12, 2008

Just call me... Julia Child

I should start out by saying that I do not cook that often... I like to cook (sometimes)... I'm not a bad cook... but I most definitely like to eat!! My husband does 99.9% of the cooking in our household... He's a MUCH better cook than I am... plus, years ago he worked as a Chef's Assistant, so he makes delicious, yummy meals!!

Anyway... part of my goals for 2008 was to be in the kitchen more... you know, roll up my sleeves and get to know my stove a little better.

Today, I decided to do just that. However, my cooking went to the dogs... literally!

I told you!

My husband kneaded and rolled the dough and then I cut (He just can't stay out of the kitchen! LOL)

Ready for the oven...

And, they're done!

So, my first official "cooking" of 2008 was for the dogs... who, by the way, loved their homemade treats!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh those look adorable! Maggie would love to have one!
