Sunday, January 6, 2008

Spring Cleaning... in January!!

If I didn't have a calendar in front of me, I would have thought it was Spring outside today! What a wonderful January surprise... temperatures in the high 50's. Of course, by the end of the week they will back into the 20's, but it was an enjoyable day.

We took down the Christmas tree and the last of the Christmas decorations... Have you ever noticed that it only takes 5 minutes to take down the decorations, but hours to put them up?? Why is that?

So, in the process of de-Christmasing the house, we started cleaning and organizing... things were flying out of the closets, drawers, and any place in general "stuff" goes to hide in! And, we'll do this entire ritual all over again in the Spring *sigh*

I like a clean house and I also love to decorate... so today was almost like a "clean slate" (pun intended). Here's a pic of my new table setting. My kitchen is a "work in progress", and I am going for a "cafe" type of theme in there... and, for the moment, I'm happy with it - Of course, that's always subject to change. As I said, I love to decorate, so you will see many more pics as I go...

Until next time...

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