Saturday, May 3, 2008
Garage Sale Finds...
Spent just over $20... Some shelves (we'll paint those), two purses,(one is a Prada, could be a fake, I don't know... but I feel so snobby LOL) a few books, computer games, and two plaques in the Cafe theme style that match my kitchen!! I was so excited to find those!!
You know what they say... One man's junk is another man's treasure.
I'm exhausted and I'm going to play with my new purses...
Friday, May 2, 2008
Fun survey... 41 things you didn't know about me!
1. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now? Dial liquid soap by the sink… Softsoap’s Pure Cashmere (for me) in the shower.
2. Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator? No…and I would love some!
3. What would you change about your living room? Carpet and window treatments (soon!!)
4. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty? Dishwasher is empty
5. What is in your fridge? The usual… milk, butter, some leftovers, condiments, etc., etc.
6. White or wheat bread? White
7. What is on top of your refrigerator? A tray that holds some potatoes and onions, my husband’s cooler.
8. What color or design is on your shower curtain? The hall bathroom is a square pattern in blues, light blues with a touch of purple. The master bathroom is a crème colored curtain with bamboo (Asian décor)
9. How many plants are in your home? 5
10. Is your bed made right now? Yes and no… It’s made, but my dog likes to fluff the comforter, so part of the bed is a little messed up.
11. Comet or Soft Scrub? Soft scrub
12. Is your closet organized? Pretty much
13. Can you describe your flashlight? Big, black, heavy.
14. Do you drink out of glass or plastic more at home? Combination of both
15. Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? No
16. If you have garage, is it cluttered? Nope… just cleaned and organized it a few weeks ago.
17. Curtains or blinds? Blinds
18. How many pillows do you sleep with? One
19. Do you sleep with any lights on at night? Sometimes the light from the tv
20. How often do you vacuum? At least once a week
21. Standard toothbrush or electric? Both
22. What color is your toothbrush? Standard toothbrush is white and purple… electric one is white.
23. Do you have welcome mat on your front porch? Yes, but it’s plain (no words). I have an outdoor frog figurine by the front door that has a small “Welcome” sign in the frog’s hand.
24. What is in your oven right now? Just the oven racks
25. Is there anything under your bed? Nope
26. Chore you hate the most? Folding laundry
27. What retro items are in your home? Hmmm… I don’t know if I would call some items retro… I have a side table/lamp table in the living room that belonged to my grandmother… It’s over 50 years old.
28. Do you have separate room you use an an office? Yes… my home office
29. How many mirrors are in your home? 3 (one in each bathroom, one in the stairwell)
30. Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home? You always need to have a stash!
31. What color are your walls? Which room! Office is a greenish color, guest room is beige/brown, living room is a dark sand color, master bedroom is red, master bathroom is yellow/goldish, kitchen and family room are still white
32. What does your home smell like right now? Dinner (we had chicken)
33. Favorite candle scent? Strawberry and I love Sand & Sun by Yankee Candle
34. What kind of pickles are in your refrigerator right now? None.
35. Ever been on your roof? I haven’t, but my husband has.
36. Do you own a stereo? No
37. How many TV’s do you have? 4
38. How many phones? 3 in house, 2 cell phones
39. Do you have a housekeeper? I wish!!
40. What style do you decorate in? Different styles. My living room is a Southwestern style… my guest room is done up in an Old World Map style, master bedroom and master bathroom are an Asian décor.
Who's next!? :)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Spring has finally sprung... I think!
This is my favorite flower bed filled with tulips, a few hosta and who knows what else. Seriously, I do not know what other flowers/plants are in there as they were planted by the previous owner...
But, I don't really even need to know what they are... I know that they are very pretty and every spring they make me smile. The small tree in the middle will have pretty white flowers on it soon and the whole area just looks so colorful and alive. After the winter we have had, this is such a welcome sight to see.
Last weekend, we relocated rock that was in the front of the house to the backyard "island", creating a rock garden of sorts... Nothing grows there except weeds and hopefully the rock will prevent them...
(See that bench... I got that on Freecycle last year. It was in pretty good shape... good bones so to speak! We gave it new life by painting the wrought iron black and the bench red. I have a birdhouse in the "rock island" and a few bird feeders next to it on the grass... I really should take a picture of that, huh?)
And, in honor of Spring... and eventually summer... I purchased some new plates and serving pieces to use and enjoy while eating outside on the deck...
They definitely say Summer and have that outdoor look and feel I wanted....
"Summertime and the living is easy"
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The Big 4-0
I had a hard time when I reached my 30th birthday... (Wow, I was just a baby back then! LOL) and I can't believe I'm actually as old as my mother was at one time... that just blows my mind. (would I be considered an "elder" in social settings now? You know, as I child how you were told to "respect your elders"... I think I may be that elder now!)
I saw a commercial yesterday for a life insurance company for people aged 50-75 and I thought to myself: "Wow, in 10 years, I'll be eligible"... how sad is that! LOL
Anyway, I did have a nice birthday. My husband decorated the kitchen cabinets with balloons, so that was the first thing I saw when I came into the kitchen yesterday morning... It was a very nice surprise!!
We had cake after dinner last night
I think I'll go look for wrinkles on my face again... LOL
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Bigger is better...
He loves astronomy and photography, so this gift will help him combine his love of both and I hope to show some great pictures that he will take of the night sky!
His camera has an adapter that will fit onto his telescope...
And this new lens will be able to give a nice close up of features in the night sky.
So, it goes without saying that he was VERY HAPPY with his birthday gift!! (Now what am I going to do next year to top this? *scratching my head* LOL)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
They shouldn't let me out in public...
Just another day in the life of me.. and all my "isms."
First, we met with our new insurance agent and as we're sitting in his office, HIS phone rings. Well, he just happens to have the same ringer/ring tone (whatever they are called) as my business line... so, what does yours truly do... I get up out of the chair I'm sitting in, because I want to answer the phone. It took me a moment or two to "get my bearings" and realize that it was not MY phone ringing. I am sure our new agent thinks I am a total nutcase!!
Next, we went to Red Lobster for a late lunch/early dinner. I love Red Lobster! We're eating our salads when the waitress comes over with our meal, so I went to move my salad bowl... Somehow my fork jumped out of my hand, hit the knife that was on the edge of the bowl and they both tumble to the table... To cover up my embarrassment of apparently not being able to hold a fork, I laugh and said "See, I was just so excited that my shrimp was here!"
At least I could laugh and the waitress laughed as well (although she was probably laughing at me... not with me!)
After that (like those two aren't enough for one day), we go to Target. I'm trying to find a DVD and I'm looking all over the DVD section and can't find it (I'm thinking they have sold out).
I see a young guy who worked there and told him that I can't find this DVD and asked for his help. Without saying a word, he takes 2 steps backwards into the main aisle, and moves his arm up and away from his body (just like "Barker's Beauties" on the Price is Right... err, I guess they are called "Drew's Beauties" now?) and points to the end cap. The ENTIRE end cap is filled with the DVD I'm looking for.
Then, we head to the supermarket and we're looking at all of the different brands/flavors of ice cream, as we're trying to decide which one to get. Nothing was catching my eye, so I say to my hsuband, who is several feet away from me...
"How about Burt & Ernies?"
My husband starts cracking up...
Another shopper is chuckling and I'm clueless...
My husband, through laughter, says, it's "Ben & Jerry's"...
Oh... (hanging head in shame)
And the cherry on top of that ice cream sundae happened when we were walking back to the car, from the supermarket, and I comment to my husband to "be careful" (because of the slushy snowy mess Mother Nature dumped on us earlier in the day) and what happens next (you know where this is going)...
I start slipping and sliding and almost bring the both of us down. Thank goodness, I caught my balance and neither one of us fell...
What an afternoon... I blame it on the snow!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Happy Spring... I think??
Or this
But, it seems that Old Man Winter will just not loosen his grip because this is what I have to look forward to... tomorrow
More snow. 6-9 inches of the white stuff. Like I haven't shoveled enough this winter season!
Can you believe it??
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
My (frugal) Crafty Creation...
I cleaned out the bottle, removed the label and added in some of my bath salts and beads that seem to have accumulated under my bathroom sink.
And, here is my frugal, yet crafty creation:
It didn't cost me anything extra to make since I had everything on hand already, the color scheme blends in with the bathroom, it adds some height to that side of the shelf, which is what I was looking for, and I was able to free up some room under the sink... (which really means, now that there's more room under there, I need to go buy more stuff! LOL)
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day...
The O'Musings of a Jersey Girl in the Windy City wanted to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day because on this day... everyone is Irish! (Now, just read this post using an Irish brogue and I've done my part! LOL)
Me luck was just startin' yesterday as the hubby and I enjoyed a delicious dinner of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots. (are you using an Irish Brogue... it sounds even more delicious when you do!)
And, I found me pot-o-gold at the end of that rainbow in the form of dessert... Brownies and cupcakes... Ain't that lucky!?
Plenty of cupcakes left (I had to hide them from the Leprechauns), so grab a cup of coffee and help yerself, lads and lassies...
Saturday, March 8, 2008
WWW...Weekend, Weather and Water towers!
This is a water tower from the south 'burbs of Chicago (area I used to live in)... isn't that cute!
I had never seen a water tower like this before until I moved out here...
Notice the bow tie (around the 'neck' area)... this water tower is looking/smiling at a 'female' water tower across town... how funny is that! (I don't have a picture of the 'female' tower, but the 'female' water tower has a bow on her 'head')
The first time I saw these towers, I knew I had to snap a picture of them... too funny!!
Where I live now, I can see my town's water tower from my backyard... although it's not as fun as the one in this picture, as far as water towers go, I guess it's pretty nice! LOL
So we are expecting about an inch of snow tomorrow night and still have cold temperatures (it was 8* degrees about an hour ago).... then, we're in for a warm-up... temps into the 40's and I saw a 56* in the forecast for later this week!!! (I can't even remember what temperatures in the 50's feel like... hopefully, I'll thaw out by then!) Just hang on... spring is right around the corner!!
This weekend is more or less doing the usual stuff... some shopping, some cleaning, some things around the house and most importantly... some relaxing!! (and staying warm LOL)
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Mirror, Mirror on the wall...
This is the new mirror we purchased and next to it is one of my most favorite pictures... it's a signed, limited print by a local artist and was a Christmas 2006 gift from my husband. The picture was just hung up a few weeks ago (prior to the mirror) because I finally found a frame for it... not the frame I really want, but a frame nonetheless.
When I find "the frame" for that picture, I'll re-frame it, but for now I'm just so thrilled that's it up on the wall!!
I can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but my living room is decorated in a southwest theme and when you first walk into my house from the door, you enter into the living room. The wall in this picture would be the first wall that you would see when you entered my home and the stairs to the basement are right below that (you can just make out some wood railing in the bottom left of the picture).
I have to say... the mirror and picture really brighten up that area and pull the living room together... (Please ignore THAT light fixture!! *gasp* We haven't found one that we liked yet to replace it with)
Now, if you entered my home from the garage entrance you would be in the family room and if you turned to your left, you would see the stairs leading to the basement and yourself in that mirror...
So, see... the little things in life like buying a mirror or hanging a picture excite me... Maybe over the weekend, I'll take some pics around the house and give you the grand tour!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Flashback: My first Chicago winter
Out there, as an adult, I rarely wore a coat in the winter and didn't even own a hat! My usual routine was from my house... to my car... to where ever I was going that was in an enclosed type of building and then from there.... to my car... to my house. Wind chills meant very little to me....
Now, let's flashback to when I first moved out here, shall we: I arrived the day after a blizzard dumped 14" of snow on my newly adopted city... The people out here just referred to those 14" as "a lot of snow".... this Jersey girl calls it a blizzard!
Anyway, I spent the next month or so freezing my you know what off...but I'm from Jersey... I'm tough... I've seen my share of winter weather and I could handle this... no problem!
Then one winter morning, I found myself at the train station waiting for the train to go downtown... I noticed everyone standing outside all bundled up wearing hats, scarfs, gloves, ear muffs... and I thought to myself, as I sat in the warm comfort of the car (my husband was waiting there with me) how uncomfortable these people looked all bundled up, standing just a few feet away from my car... But me, being a tough Jersey Girl and all, didn't need to be all bundled up like that... it wasn't "that" cold out.
I heard the train whistle and with that, I kissed my husband good-bye and hopped out of the car, wearing my winter coat, which was open (not zipped up/buttoned up)... no hat, no scarf, no gloves... no need... the train was coming and, just as I did in NJ, I went from my vehicle, to another form of "shelter"... I never really had to endure the elements.
I walked the few feet to stand with the rest of the people waiting for that train... I turned around and waved to my husband as he pulled out of the parking lot and watched him drive off and turned back to face the train tracks.
That's when it happened....
The wind kicked up and sent a bone chilling cold throughout my entire body... it was so cold that it hurt my face and literally knocked the wind out of me. There I stood, open coat, no gloves, no hat, no scarf and no earmuffs, wearing pumps... shivering! The train was in view, and under normal circumstances, would have been there already, but for some reason it stopped... within view, but out of reach.
As I stood shivering, I noticed the other people around me dressed much more appropriately for this weather than I was, as I started to do the shiver-dance... you know the movement that you do when you're cold to keep warm.
One person even had the audacity to say... "Boy, it's cold out this morning!" and I wanted to knock his hat off.
Finally, after only about 7 minutes... which seemed like 3 hours... the train pulled into the station... We all piled in and I think I spent the entire trip into the city shivering in my seat.
But, wait... there's more!
After we get downtown... I now have to walk several blocks from the train station to my job... with my closed coat (at least, by this point, I was smart and zipped it up!), no gloves, hat or scarf as the wind continues to rip through me.
I realized that day why they call Chicago the "Windy City"... even though that's not the real reason behind Chicago's nickname... but, on that day, I think it was Mother Nature's way of putting this Jersey Girl in her place....
That night, I went to the store and bought a hat, scarf and earmuffs! (I already had several pairs of gloves at home... in a drawer)
The next morning, I stood waiting for the train at the train station with all of the other people, bundled up, looking as if we were all going to a ski convention. My coat was zipped up... I had on my hat, gloves, scarf, earmuffs and socks and sneakers on my feet (instead of the pumps from the day before).
And, although that wind continued to send shivers through my body, at least I was much warmer than the previous morning... and when the gentlemen from the previous morning said "Boy, it's cold out this morning", I nodded in agreement, sipping my hot coffee.
Shortly before the train arrived, I noticed a woman get out of a car... She waved to whoever it was that dropped her off and took her place with all the rest of us waiting for the train. She had on a long coat (open/not zipped up)... no gloves, no scarf, no hat, no earmuffs, wearing a dress/skirt and pumps.
As the wind kicked up again, I took another sip of my coffee and thought to myself... She must be from New Jersey!
An Almost Spring Day....
The sun is shining... the snow will melt and spring, hopefully, will be right around the corner and plans for today definitely include being outside... at some point.
Ever since I moved out here, I've heard people (my husband included) say: "If you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes"... meaning that the weather out here changes on a dime, so if you don't like what's going on weather-wise, hang in there because it will change very suddenly. That weather tidbit of advice has certainly held true.... Today's high: 47 -- Tomorrow's high: 33 and there's some precipitation in the form of rain and/or wet snow and temps head a little farther south into the high 20's come the end of this week...
We'll have to see what the rest of March has in store for us... it came in like a lamb, which means it will go out like a lion!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
A special friend...
This is Buffy… or McBuff as affectionately nicknamed by my grandmother. Buffy was a collie and we got him as a puppy when I was just 5 years old… He lived his life between my house and my grandparent’s house. Buffy was such a good dog… obedient, loyal and loving. We kept him until I was probably about 8 or 9 and then he went to live with my grandparents in upstate NY where he thrived… land to run around in… grass to roll around in… he was a very happy camper! Since I spent most of my childhood between my house and my grandparent’s house, I still got to spend so much time with him.
Now, my grandmother also had a few cats during Buffy’s lifetime and say what you will about ‘cats and dogs’, I really believe that they had a friendship. For instance, the cats would go outside and roam around. If they weren’t back within a reasonable amount of “doggie” time, Buffy would whine at the door to go outside… and he would go look for the cat. I can remember one time watching both of them walking up the driveway to the door… the cat in front… Buffy behind the cat, grunting and moaning, as if he was yelling at the cat for making him go look for her! That pattern continued for years…
I also taught Buffy to “smile” (which is a snarl)… but, he did it on cue to the song “A coke and a smile” (remember that commercial?!). It was hysterical and I know that he hated doing it… which I think made it more comical!
Sadly, Buffy crossed over the Rainbow Bridge when I was 17. He hadn’t been doing too well several weeks prior to my 17th birthday. I was spending my birthday and that week at my grandparent’s. I didn’t even know he was having a tough time because you would not have thought that had you seen him that week… full of life and love! My grandparents were even shocked. But, on the day I left after I gave Buffy hugs and kiss, said good-bye, waved to my grandmother and Buffy as we drove down the driveway and turned onto that old country road, Buffy went into the bedroom, curled up on his favorite rug at the foot of my grandparent’s bed and peacefully passed away.
When I got home, my mom told me the news… I believe that he waited for me… because of our bond and 12-year friendship... he waited one last time to run through the grass with me, to get a belly rub, treats, hugs and kisses and… to smile for me.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday Shopper...
Well, I didn’t let the cold temperatures yesterday keep me inside, as cabin fever is starting to set in, so we braved the cold and my husband and I went shopping (like I ever really need an excuse to go shopping??)
We bundled up to face the biting wind and headed out… First stop was Home Depot to pick up some air filters for the furnace and to “window shop”. (I love Home Depot/any home improvement store almost as much as I love office supply stores and bookstores – Whenever my husband says, “Let’s go to Home Depot”… I’m ready and waiting in the car)
Next, we stopped at the local pet store to pick up some goodies for the doggies because we can’t forget them in our shopping excursion!
Then we went to the new Michaels that opened up in a neighboring town (so now we have two in the area). Because yesterday was their “Grand Opening”, they had some drawings and give-aways in the store.
One of which was a Spin & Win Wheel.
My husband spun and… we won… a Creative Versa-Tool from Walnut Hollow – how cool is that?!!
And, I was also able to pick up a picture frame that was on sale to frame a limited print I’ve had for a year and a half and finally get that up on the wall (Look for separate entry about this picture)
Our next stop was the grocery store and we got a free Sunday paper (I love free things!!).
We stopped at a local taco place for lunch before heading to the bookstore where, of course and as usual, I couldn’t walk out of that place with no less than 3 books!!
Then back home to give the dogs their goodies, frame and hang the picture, eat dinner and crash for the rest of the day… and warm up!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Way too cold outside...
I can't take this cold anymore... I love winter, but these sub-zero temperatures suck... I can't even look out the window, that's how cold I feel!!
I think I'm going to hibernate in bed until spring!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
The mis-adventures of my purse...
First store: This store was PACKED today and my husband and I were standing up near the registers waiting to get in line. We’re standing in front of an end-cap of batteries. I start to move forward so we can get in line and my husband notices one of my drawstrings on my purse is caught around one of the display hooks for the batteries. He yells for me to stop, so he can unhook me and his timing was impeccable because had I moved even just a smidgen more forward, that entire display probably would have toppled down!!
Second store: The last aisle in this store is a wider aisle and the clearance items are in the middle of that aisle. So, I’m looking at some of the clearance items and my husband is on the opposite side of the clearance items facing me. A man pushing his cart starts to pass by me (my back would be to him, my purse over my right shoulder).
Somehow the draw-strings on my purse get caught on his cart (underneath the area where you push the cart). My husband is in mid-sentence, when all of a sudden, I start moving away from him. I wasn’t exactly sure what was happening, but then I noticed the draw-strings of my purse caught on this man’s grocery cart.
My husband and I are calmly saying "Excuse me" "Sir" "Sir" to this older man... as he is now starting to drag me down the aisle with him! Thank goodness he heard us and stopped...and I was freed!! The man continues down the aisle and my husband and I just crack up with laughter thinking about what had just happened... in two different stores! (I think the shoppers thought we were nuts!) How embarrassing!
Oh, did I mention my mishap with the hand lotion last week at Walgreens? I was looking at one of the new Vaseline Intensive Care lotions and wanted to smell the scent. So, I flipped open the top and gave the bottle a very gentle squeeze (you know, to release the scent)… The next thing I know...lotion squirts straight up and into my hair... (My husband is pretending not to know me at this point)... Oh yes, I’m fun to shop with!!
On the bookshelf...
I could get lost for hours in a bookstore (and have)'s one of my favorite places. And, of course, I can never leave a bookstore empty-handed. I always manage to find a book or two (or three or four) that catch my eye and just scream out: "Read me!!"
Some of my favorite authors are: John Grisham, Nancy Kopp, Steve Martini and Judy Blume... but there are so many great books out there written by great authors, I couldn't even begin to name them all!!
My Winter reading list:
I am currently reading:
Innocent Man and The Appeal, both by John Grisham, are next on deck...
Those three books should take me through Winter and then I'll have more added to my reading lists for Spring and Summer... (Did I mention I love bookstores!) :)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
12 inches and counting....
These next two were taken before we even started shoveling:
This was our 4th trip outside shoveling during the day... Doesn't even look like we shoveled the last 3 times we had been out there... that's how much snow just kept falling!!
The next three pictures are after shoveling (for the 4th time)... We did have to go out and shovel a 5th time, but that was mainly to clear some drifts and blowing snow... No heavy shoveling that time!!
Even though I'm cold, tired, achy and I don't want to see my shovel again for a very long time, my hubby and I enjoyed the snow/outside... but he doesn't want to see his shovel again for a very long time either!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
It's snowing again...
Isn't it pretty?! I took this picture from my garage about an hour ago... We are expecting upwards of 12 INCHES of snow tonight, overnight and into tomorrow morning...some local reports are even predicting 16+ inches, possibly 20 INCHES of snow by the time this storm moves out of here. My husband and I just shoveled about an inch or so from the driveway and walkway/front steps... why, I don't know... There will be so much more to shovel tomorrow... Why, why why didn't we buy that snowblower!! I hope by next winter we will have a snowblower... and, of course, once we do buy it... it won't snow and we'll never use it and we'll wonder why we ever bought it in the first place!!
Oh, and this snow is basically right on the heels of our came-from-out-of-no-where-5 inches-of-snow that fell on Sunday night...
I love snow... but I'm just so tired of shoveling!!!! The local weathermen have said that so far this winter season, we have had over 42 inches of snow fall... not all at once, of course. That's 42 inches of snow, so far, that I've shoveled... (I think I'm going to stay in bed until Spring!)
I'll post some more snow pictures (and snow total updates) tomorrow...
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Groundhog Day Musings...
And this:
And this:
Before we get to this:
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Snake Plant
My snake plant’s ancestry is 73 years old… 73! That’s amazing to me considering I really do not have a green thumb, but over the years my thumb has turned a very light shade of green!
The “mother plant” was purchased around 1935 by my grandmother as a Mother's Day gift for her mother. Years later, when my great-grandmother passed away, the snake plant resided with my grandmother.
As a child, I remember that snake plant at my grandmother’s house… It was a floor plant next to the old secretary type desk in one area of the living room, mingling with all the other plants my grandmother had… Now, she HAD a green thumb. She had so many plants (indoor and outdoor) that I couldn’t even begin to name (or remember) them all!
But I always remembered the snake plant…
About 6 years ago, my grandmother gave me a few small shoots from the “mother plant”… They were only a few inches high and I was sure I would kill them within a few days!
Imagine my surprise… almost 6 years later… to see this plant live, thrive and grow… in my home… with me as its caretaker!
Sadly, after my grandfather passed way, there were some changes. My grandmother was planning to move (and eventually lived with me until her death), and felt she was getting too old to care for all of her plants.... and unbeknownst to me, the “mother snake plant” was adopted by her neighbor friend who live across the street from my grandmother...
Though I would have loved the “mother snake plant”, I am thrilled that I have a piece of my family’s history (the “child snake plant”) and that it has continued to grow over the years. It’s very special to me because since my grandmother has passed away, it’s like having a piece of her still with me.
This year, it will be time to re-pot the plant into a slightly larger planter… I hope one day it will be a beautiful floor plant, like its mother, and that I will be able to give a few shoots to my future-yet-to-be-born niece(s) or nephew(s).
Like I said, my thumb has started to turn a very light shade of green... :)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Comedy of Errors... The Shower from Hell!!
The other day, I took a shower. Now, I’ve taken many, many showers before, but you would have thought this was the first shower I had ever taken... in my life! A shower should be relaxing as the water washes away the day, so to speak... This shower was anything but that!
I start by pulling closed the shower curtain, as it was open, and one of the bamboo hooks I have that holds up the shower curtain somehow fell off and into the tub. A small piece of the hook broke off and my husband said he’d glue that back together (so, he went downstairs into the basement).
Okay, I turn on the water and get in. I notice the water temperature is just a little too warm for my liking, so I want to add more cold water. However, I apparently turn the knob the opposite direction, which added hot water! I notice that the water is very hot, but think to myself: “Well, maybe it just needs a minute for the cold water to mix in”… by now, the water is really hot! I can’t reach the faucet (opposite end of tub from where I’m standing) without burning myself, so I have to hop out of the shower to get to the faucet...
As I’m hopping out, I bang my leg on the tub and knock over the shampoo bottle...
I adjust the water and hop back in… (and pick up the shampoo bottle and rub my leg)
I shampoo my hair and manage to get shampoo in my eye (What am I... 3 years old? I could not tell you the last time I got shampoo in my eye!!)... So now I have to rinse out my eye, then finish shampooing and rinse out the shampoo... Then I apply the conditioner and while that’s “soaking in”, I grab my poofy thingy. (I know there's a name for it, but I call it a poofy thingy)
I reach for my body wash and the BOTTLE IS EMPTY!!!! (Yes, I’m the only one who uses it, so that’s my fault)
I yell for my husband (thinking he can grab a new bottle from underneath the cabinet), but I remember that he’s probably still downstairs fixing the shower hook... So, I hop out of the shower again to grab the new bottle of body wash...
I hop back in, lather up... all is going well! *big thumbs up*
Now it's time to shave... I use disposable razors and put a new one in the shower just the other day... Well, I didn’t remember to take the little plastic cap off the razor, so now I’m trying my hardest (with wet hands and a sore eye) to grip this little piece of plastic to remove it from the razor...praying that I don't slice myself and bleed to death!!
Meanwhile, I yell for my husband again, thinking he might be back upstairs... I’m still fiddling with the plastic piece and finally it comes off and hits me in the face...
That's when I burst into laughter thinking about how horrible and frightening this shower has been, all the while hoping and praying I make it out alive! (Can you imagine the headlines!)
You'll be happy to know that I survived the shower from hell... And, by miracle of all miracles, I did not cut myself shaving!!
However, I will admit, I was a very hesitant the next day when stepping into the shower again, but all went well.
I'm wondering if a bath might be safer for me... Rubber ducky, you're the one....
Sunday, January 27, 2008
My Freecycle find...
If you read my entry titled "Under Wraps" you'll know that we have several throw blankets scattered in just about every room of the house. While the beagle loves to sleep all curled up under the blankets, my shepard likes to fluff and puff the blankets and the curls into the nicely fluffed blanket.
Many times, the beagle is sound asleep underneath the comforter on the guest bed and the shepard decides she wants to fluff and puff the comforter... for maximum comfort, of course... and she'll fluff the covers right off of the beagle! It's a funny to watch sometimes.
Anyway, we now have a new blanket to add to our ever-growing collection of doggie blankets.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
And the knife ran away with the spatulas...
So, we tore apart the kitchen and began the ‘great spatula search’. We looked in every drawer, in all the cabinets, in the utensil caddy, refrigerator, freezer, oven, microwave and any place else we could think of, but we never found it.
Just 6 months or so ago… We lost our large spatula! How do you lose a spatula??!! Well, apparently we did. Again, we looked in every drawer, in all the cabinets, in the utensil caddy, refrigerator, freezer, oven, microwave and any place else we could think of, but we never found it.
(I think there is a spatula conspiracy in this house!)
Now, today, we can't find one of our steak knives... Again, we looked in every drawer, in all the cabinets, in the utensil caddy, refrigerator, freezer, oven, microwave and any place else we could think of (During all of these “searches” I still have hopes of finding the mini spatula and I must admit that I forget what I’m actually supposed to be “searching” for and focus more on searching for the mini-spatula! :) )
We don't have any children and the dogs do not use utensils. (They’re smart dogs, but not that smart!)
I have no explanation for the missing kitchen items. Of course, it is always possible that the knife and spatulas simply ended up in the garbage... and that’s probably a very logical explanation... but I think one of us would notice throwing away a large spatula and a steak knife.
I’m baffled.
Maybe one day they will all come back home to the kitchen... and maybe they'll bring with them a whole new set of knives and cooking utensils!!!
Under wraps...
Now, the beagle loves blankets... he sleeps under the blanket... sometimes he takes over the pillows and sometimes he takes over the entire bed!! We have throw blankets all over the furniture because... the beagle loves blankets!
Bed hog... blanket hog... I don't care... He's my beagle and I love him... and he just looks especially cute at times like this!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Let it snow... let it snow... let it snow!
We have about 9" out there... and that was between Monday and Tuesday (official recorded snow was 8.something inches) and we picked up about 1/2" more of the fluffy white stuff today... This photo is looking onto one side of my deck in the backyard...
I think my "snow obsession" developed during the time I spent Upstate NY... I can still remember the huge amounts of snow we would get and how much fun I had outside in the snow...
My grandparents lived in NY and I spent lots of time at their house... summers, school vacations, etc. Their driveway was approximately 250 feet from the road and I can remember sledding and/or tobaggoning down that driveway or sledding in the horse coral on those round plastic thingies (I think they were flying saucers or something like that)... THAT was so much fun!! One side of the horse coral area had a slight downward incline... I would pack that area up with snow and water to get it nice and slick and fly down the small hill into the opening of the huge coral.
After being outside for hours on end,my grandmother always had a cup of hot chocolate waiting for me... with marshmallows... when I came inside. I can remember the warmth from the fireplace as I rubbed my hands together in front of the fire to warm them up.
I guess that's why I always have liked's calming, it makes me smile and it reminds me of happy times and it's really the only time I drink hot chocolate!
Monday, January 21, 2008
This is why I don't cook...
So, here's a look at what it is sometimes like in our kitchen...
I’ll preface this by telling you first that years ago, my husband used to be a chef’s assistant in a hotel’s restaurant... He is a very, very good cook and I appreciate that and don’t mean to minimize or take anything away from that... but we both just "cook" differently (for instance, if I want chicken soup, I'll open a can of Campbell's or a package of Lipton.. My husband, on the other hand, will make it from scratch)
Well over 10 years ago, before I even knew my husband, I obtained a chili dip recipe from a friend... It’s not a gourmet recipe, it didn’t win awards... it’s a can of chili, cheese and a microwave and that’s it! So, for years I’ve been making that chili dip. Friends and family have loved it... my sister craves it! Again, it’s something anyone could make, no special schooling or skill required, but my sister and friends have told me it just always tastes better when I make it.
So, yesterday, I was going to make my chili dip. (I have made this several times for my husband so it's not like it was something new)
I had visions of us eating this with tostitos and other snacks while watching the big games on tv... Life is good!
I take out the can of chili and a bowl. My husband proceeds to take out a pot and place it on the stove. I ask him what he’s doing. He informs me that the pot is to cook the chili in... I look at him strangely and tell him that I’ve never "cooked" the chili on the stove... it’s all done in the microwave. Hubby says that he ‘thinks’ the chili cooks more thoroughly when it’s cooked on the stove, but… "it’s your recipe, you do what you need to do"...
I proceed to open the can of chili under the watchful eye of my husband, who again asks me if I’m going to cook the chili on the stove and he’ll help!!! (I don’t need any help… it’s chili and cheese for goodness sake, not a rack of lamb!!)
I decide that I’ll cook the $%^&* chili on the stove to warm it up, shut my husband up, who is apparently withering away from hunger right before my eyes, and then finish doing what I need to do in the microwave... no big deal... I've never prepared it that way in the past, but it will still be good!
Almost game time... chili dip coming up... Life is good!
The chili is now in the pot on the stove with a low flame… My husband gets the shredded cheese out of the fridge (I’m thinking he’s just helping me) and then he starts talking about putting the cheese right in the pot to melt it and this and that...
(He's now in full blown Iron Chef mode, ready to take on Kitchen Stadium!)
At that moment, I just lost it. We begin to argue about the $%^%&* chili dip and how I’ve been making it the same way for years and although I appreciate his help, guidance and assistance in the kitchen... I can manage this one dish just fine. My husband states that he wasn’t trying to tell me "how to make my chili dip" and "it’s my recipe" but he "just thought"…
So, with that, I immediately remove the pot from the stove and pour the chili into the bowl so it can go into the microwave (since it's my recipe) and, after 10 minutes of back and forth bickering/discussing the chili... the $%^&* chili dip will finally be done and then we can eat it...
I pour the chili into the bowl and I am just about to put it in the microwave when my husband says… "aren’t you going to cook that on the stove?" (And, although he did say that in jest with a smile on his face… I still chased him out of the kitchen)
The chili dip was perfect (as usual)! And, I didn’t hear one ‘complaint’ from my husband as he ate it like there was no tomorrow!
(And, visions of me dumping the chili dip all over his head soon replaced those wonderful 'life is good' visions I had had earlier)
The next time I want to make something in kitchen... I’m locking him out of the house!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
The little things in life...
Now, that's a great looking doggie!!
And, of course, he brought home some goodies for he and the shepard... Some 'action' shots of the beagle at play:
Another great looking doggie!!
Going to find a quiet place to play...
Well, they must have worn themselves out... Now, they're both sleeping!